Model Selection

Grid Search

Most models contain hyperparameters: parameters that are specified in the constructor, and not learned from the data. ScikitLearn.jl provides GridSearchCV to find the best set of hyper-parameter:

julia> using ScikitLearn, Random

julia> Random.seed!(11);

julia> X = rand(25,4); y = rand([true,false], 25);

julia> @sk_import linear_model: LogisticRegression;

julia> using ScikitLearn.GridSearch: GridSearchCV

julia> gridsearch = GridSearchCV(LogisticRegression(max_iter=200), Dict(:C => 0.1:0.1:2.0))
  estimator: PyCall.PyObject
  param_grid: Dict{Symbol,StepRangeLen{Float64,Base.TwicePrecision{Float64},Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}}}
  scoring: Nothing nothing
  loss_func: Nothing nothing
  score_func: Nothing nothing
  fit_params: Dict{Any,Any}
  n_jobs: Int64 1
  iid: Bool true
  refit: Bool true
  cv: Nothing nothing
  verbose: Int64 0
  error_score: String "raise"
  scorer_: Nothing nothing
  best_params_: Nothing nothing
  best_score_: Nothing nothing
  grid_scores_: Nothing nothing
  best_estimator_: Nothing nothing

julia> fit!(gridsearch, X, y)
  estimator: PyCall.PyObject
  param_grid: Dict{Symbol,StepRangeLen{Float64,Base.TwicePrecision{Float64},Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}}}
  scoring: Nothing nothing
  loss_func: Nothing nothing
  score_func: Nothing nothing
  fit_params: Dict{Any,Any}
  n_jobs: Int64 1
  iid: Bool true
  refit: Bool true
  cv: Nothing nothing
  verbose: Int64 0
  error_score: String "raise"
  scorer_: score (function of type typeof(score))
  best_params_: Dict{Symbol,Any}
  best_score_: Float64 0.6
  grid_scores_: Array{ScikitLearn.Skcore.CVScoreTuple}((20,))
  best_estimator_: PyCall.PyObject

julia> println("Best hyper-parameters: $(gridsearch.best_params_)")
Best hyper-parameters: Dict{Symbol,Any}(:C => 0.8)

See ?GridSearchCV and the scikit-learn docs for details.


Random Search

RandomizedSearchCV will sample from each parameter independently. Documentation here.

Note: The distributions have to be specified using scipy.stats (see example below), but we hope to support Distributions.jl in the future. File an issue if this is a pain point.
